Thursday, July 24, 2008

Do You Have Growing Children?

Do any of you suffer from growing children who like to eat a weeks worth of food in 2 days. I have two little rugrats who like to eat like savages. I understand that they are growing but they are constantly eating. This dilemma has increased my food budget tremendously. It seems each time I go to the grocery store and bring home the goods, they open every cupboard and start digging for another delight. Now I do not carry a whole lot of sweets (I work in alternative medicine and I know what goodies do to a body). I buy fruits, several types, but my kids like to eat 2 peaches or 2 bananas at a time. The funny thing is that they eat and eat, and not gain weight. I look at a few items and I gain 1/2 a pound. I do clip many coupons, print coupons, watch for sales but I do not know how to keep up with 2 growing children. How does everyone deal with multiple family members and working on a TIGHT food budget. Yikes!!!

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